Collecting the steps to add HTTP Basic Authentication to a Liberty web application.

In this simple case, the need to restrict access to the entire application to a tiny set of preconfigured users.


Add a security-constraint for all URLs and all users (roles):


Add a login-config for Basic Authentication:

        <realm-name>My Application Realm</realm-name>



Add the necessary Liberty feature(s):

        <!-- most likely want TLS too -->

Add a user registry:

    <basicRegistry id="basic" realm="My Application Realm">
        <user name="${USER_1}" password="${PASSWORD_1}" />
        <user name="${USER_2}" password="${PASSWORD_2}" />

(Where we’ll pull these values from something external so they’re not coded into the server source.)

Map the web application to the special role for “all authenticated users”:

    <webApplication contextRoot="/appRoot" id="MyApp" location="MyApplication.war" name="My Application">
            <security-role name="AllAuthenticated">
                <special-subject type="ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS" />

Injecting the user/password values

We run our Liberty applications under OpenShift Container Platform, with the OpenLiberty Operator, so we use a Kubernetes Secret to manage the logins.

From the OpenLibertyApplication YAML:

kind: OpenLibertyApplication
    - secretRef:
        name: basic-auth

And the Secret YAML:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: basic-auth
immutable: false
  USER_1: todouser1
  PASSWORD_1: todopassword1
  USER_2: todouser2
  PASSWORD_2: todopassword2
type: Opaque

Yes, this approach “hardcodes” into the image that we have 2 allowed users. You could also mount an entire “file” Secret into the Liberty overrides directory if you need more flexibility to add or remove users without updating the container image.