(In preparation for pulling into a Docker image of a web application.)


API Keys

In order to get the appropriate API keys, you visit the Your Account page on the Contrast Security site.


The API request will require all 3 of API Key, Organization ID, and (Personal) Authorization Header.


The API URL is:


The curl command to pull the latest Java jar, in my case, is:

$ curl -H 'API-Key:organization-api-key' -H 'Authorization:my-personal-authorization-header' https://app.contrastsecurity.com/Contrast/api/ng/organization-id/agents/default/JAVA?jvm=1.8 -o contrast.jar

Or if I turn those into environment variables, so that I can later put them safely in my Dockerfile or even share the command with someone:

$ curl -H 'API-Key:'$CONTRAST_API_KEY -H 'Authorization:'$CONTRAST_AUTH https://app.contrastsecurity.com/Contrast/api/ng/$CONTRAST_ORG/agents/default/JAVA?jvm=1.8 -o contrast.jar